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Thursday, November 3, 2011

Take the Eat Local Challenge! Be ready

Take the Eat Local Challenge!

Local Lucy
Take the Eat Local Challenge
Take the challenge anytime! Just follow the steps below whenever you feel inspired to commit to a week of eating locally and seasonally.  Whatever you choose, be sure to share your experience with EAT LOCAL FIRST. We want to hear from you!
How can I participate?
1. For one week, commit to the following:
  • Spend 10% of your grocery budget on local food — grown within a 100-mile radius of wherever you live.
  • Try one new fruit or vegetable each day.
  • Preserve food to enjoy later in the year.
2. Track your progress using the Eat Local Challenge scorecard which we will introduce soon.
3. Send EAT LOCAL FIRST your completed scorecard or submit your story about eating locally.
Later send in your scorecard and/or story. If you submit a story, we just might include your experience in a future issue of EAT LOCAL FIRST by Pubudu Blog

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