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Saturday, November 19, 2011

Belimal Herbal Tea

Belimal Herbal Tea
 Regular and habitual consumption of Beli Mal Herbal Tea ensures the benefits in the long term 
Slimming your way to a healthy lifestyle.
Though more prized for its medicinal virtues than its edible quality, this interesting member of the family Rutaceae is, nevertheless, of sufficient importance as an edible fruit to be included here.
Beli Mal (Aegle Marmelos (L) Correa) is cultivated throughout India, mainly in temple gardens, because of its status as a sacred tree; also in Sri Lanka and northern Malaya, the drier areas of Java, and to a limited extent on northern Luzon in the Philippine Islands where it first fruited in 1914. It is grown in some Egyptian gardens, and in Surinam and Trinidad. Seeds were sent from Lahore to Dr. Walter T. Swingle in 1909 (P.I. No. 24450).
Benefits of Belimal Herbal Tea 
Totally natural Caffeine Free Beli Mal Ayurvedic Herbal Tea offers many medicinal benefits:-
  • The herb is used effectively in relieving catarrh and fever.
  • Beli Mal Ayurvedic Herbal Tea is used for treating asthma.
  • Beli Mal Ayurvedic Herbal Tea is used to fight malaria.
  • Beli Mal Ayurvedic Herbal Tea relieves palpitations, heart burn Indigestion, bowel disorders and vomiting
  • The herb is used in conjunction with black pepper to relieve jaundice and constipation

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