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Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Ranawara Herbal Tea

Ranawara herbal Tea 

Regular and habitual consumption of Ranawara Herbal Tea ensures the benefits in the long term. The Herbal Tea beverage is made available in easy to use tea bags.
Cassia Auriculata Linn Ranawara Plant contains Senapickrine, Sponhine and Glucocie.The leaves and stems of the Ranawara plant contain Auksemeethial Anthorokvinon and is rich in Tannin. The plant in addition contains Emodian, Sitothrol and Rutin and the flower of the plant contains Auricacasidin, Kaemferol and Sitosterol

Benifites of Ranawara herbal Tea
  • Ranawara Ayurvedic herbal Tea gives the clear complexion.
  • Ranawara herb acts as an agent in restoring sexual vitality, increases sperm count, and counter acts ejaculatory disorders.
  • Ranawara herb is used as a treatment for diabetes
  • Ranawara Ayurvedic herbal Tea is also effective in relieving urinary problems, assists in stomach cleaning and restoration of the skin to its natural glow.
  • Acts as an agent in easing discomfort in women during menstruation
In Africa the herb has been used for treating body aches, eye irritations, diabetes and venereal disease.
Vernacular Name: Sinhala: Ranawara; Eng: Tanners cassia,Tam: Avarai, Avirai,
Propagation: By seeds.
Parts Used: Roots, bark, leaves, flowers, seeds.
Chemical Constituents: Emodin, chiysophanol, rubiadin.
Uses: The roots are astringent, cooling, alterative. depruative and alexeteric, and are useful in skin diseases, leprosy, tumours, asthma and urethrorrhoea. The bark is astringent and alternative, and a decoction of this is used as enemas and gargles. The leaves are depurative and anthelmintic, and are recommended for leprosy, skin diseases and ulcers. The flowers are used in diabetes, urethrorrhoea, nocturnal emissions and pharyngopathy. The seeds are astringent. Sour, cooling, constipating, depurative, aphrodisiac, anthehnintic, tinea stomachic and alexeteric, and are useful in diabetes, chyluria, ophthalmia, dysentery, sided diarrhoea, swellings, abdominal disorders, leprosy, skin diseases, worm infestations and
chronic purulent conjunctivitis.

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